Rules for driving a four-wheel vehicle
Follow these rules to ensure safe and responsible driving of a four-wheel vehicle. Obey traffic laws, wear a seatbelt, stay focused on the road, and keep a safe distance from other vehicles, among other things.
Follow these rules to ensure safe and responsible driving of a four-wheel vehicle. Obey traffic laws, wear a seatbelt, stay focused on the road, and keep a safe distance from other vehicles, among other things.
This article discusses the important rules for driving a two-wheeler in India to ensure road safety. The article covers various aspects such as wearing a helmet, following traffic rules, maintaining the vehicle, using turn signals, keeping a safe distance, watching out for road hazards, avoiding distractions, staying alert, and never drinking and driving. Following these rules can help reduce the risk of accidents and make the roads safer for everyone.
It is important to follow the rules and regulations for walking on the road to ensure safety for yourself and others. Here are some rules to keep in mind when walking on the road
This detailed article explains the various traffic control devices, including signs, signals, and roadway markings, used for traffic operation and road safety. It covers the meaning of different signs, signals, and markings, and how they guide drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists on the road.
This detailed article provides valuable insights on the main reasons for accidents on the road and offers ways to prevent them. It covers various factors that contribute to accidents, including driver error, poor road conditions, and faulty vehicle parts. The article offers practical tips to avoid accidents and promote road safety.
Major components of traffic management 1. Engineering 2. Education 3. Enforcement 1. Engineering (construction) such as - Roads, road crossings, turns, road dividers, parking space for vehicles etc. are made…
Globally, road accidents are one of the leading causes of death and disability. According to the WHO, approximately 1.35 million people die each year due to road accidents, and many…
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केन्द्रीय मोटर यान अधिनियम 1988 के अन्तर्गत मोटर वाहन चालक के लिए सड़क के नियम बनाये गये है । जिन्हे वाहन चालक को पालन करना अनिवार्य है । सड़क विनियमन…
01. किसी सड़क चौराहे मोड़, पहाड़ी के शीर्ष पर उभरे पुल पर या उसके निकट 02. पैदल रास्ते पर व पैदल रास्ते के किनारे (पुटपाथ) 03. यातायात प्रकाश या पैदल…