
Traffic rules & Road safety quiz

presented by trafficquiz.com

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1 / 12

What does this sign mean?

2 / 12

You are following a two-wheeler on a poor road surface. You should

3 / 12

What does this sign mean?

4 / 12

You can park a vehicle in such a way that it obstructs another vehicle if, only

5 / 12

You notice stray animals on the Road. What should you do?

6 / 12

You are driving past a line of parked cars. You notice a ball bouncing out into the road ahead. What care do you need to take?

7 / 12

A Red traffic light means

8 / 12

The major cause of the accidents is ……………………

9 / 12

You are approaching a zebra crossing on uncontrolled crossing. Pedestrians are waiting to cross. You should

10 / 12

What should you do to make sure you never forget your child when you get out of the car?


11 / 12

Underage kids should be allowed to drive when…

12 / 12

The blind zone is the area…

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