
Traffic rules & Road safety Olympiad ( Class 5 to 8 ) PRACTICE TEST 2


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1 / 15

You must obey sign giving orders. These signs are mostly in

2 / 15

Pedestrians are waiting to cross at a zebra crossing. They are standing on the pavement. You should normally

3 / 15

When leaving your vehicle where should you Park if possible?

4 / 15

You are most likely to lose concentration while driving if you

5 / 15

When being followed by an ambulance showing a flashing Beacon you should

6 / 15

In which of these places you don’t park or wait?

7 / 15

In which of these places must you not park or wait?

8 / 15

At a crossroad there are no signs or road markings.Two vehicles approach. Which has priority?

9 / 15

In which of these situations you must stop your vehicle?

10 / 15

When traffic lights are out of order, what precaution should you take?

11 / 15

Your mobile phone rings while you are travelling . You should

12 / 15

You are approaching a zebra crossing on uncontrolled crossing. Pedestrians are waiting to cross. You should

13 / 15

how many types of road signs are there ?

14 / 15

When you are moving off from behind a parked car you should

15 / 15

When turning your vehicle on the road you should

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