
Traffic rules & Road safety Olympiad ( Class 5 to 8 ) PRACTICE TEST 1


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1 / 16

The major cause of the accidents is ……………………

2 / 16

National Road safety policies are formed by the ………………

3 / 16

While walking on the road, we must walk

4 / 16

Every year, first week of ………………. is celebrated as Road Safety Week

5 / 16

Wearing seat belt is exempted if

6 / 16

To drive on the road, learners must

7 / 16

Which of the following is NOT a safety rule to be followed on the road?

8 / 16

What is the first thing we should do when a person is injured and bleeding badly?

9 / 16

A Red traffic light means

10 / 16

You should never attempt to overtake a cyclist

11 / 16

India has the …………….. largest road network in the world

12 / 16

We are meeting at 4:00 p.m. once a week; it is a 20 minute drive from our house / office. We should

13 / 16

Is it a good practice to give hand signal as well while turning?

14 / 16

After getting down from the school bus , we shall never cross the road

15 / 16

Pedestrians can cross the road …………………

16 / 16

In emergency, you shall call  which number for ambulance service in India?

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