
Traffic rules & Road safety Olympiad (Junior Level ) PRACTICE TEST 1

HOW TO PLAY : (Parent/ teacher guidance recommended)

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1 / 13

The man in the image shown is

2 / 13

Which one out these we must not do ?

3 / 13

Which of the following figures indicates safe pedestrian crossing?

4 / 13

who is a cyclist  ?

5 / 13

Which of the following reasons causes accidents?

6 / 13

Which one of these represents safety rules being followed while travelling in a school bus?

7 / 13

What does the word traffic mean?

8 / 13

Who is a pedestrian ?

9 / 13

While riding a bicycle we should always keep to

10 / 13

Which of the following traffic signal light indicates to the vehicles that they can cross the road?

11 / 13

A set of lines painted on the road for safe crossing is called ?

12 / 13

What is a vehicle ?

13 / 13

What is a road vehicle ?

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