
Pedestrian safety quiz for 10 to 15 years old – FINAL LEVEL


  • Press the START button below to play the quiz.
  • You will get 5 minutes (300 seconds) to answer all the questions.
  • You must have played all the levels of Pedestrian safety quizzes in order to pass this test.
  • This Final test will have 15 random questions from all the Pedestrian safety quizzes.
  • Questions may be different every time.
  • If you answer all the questions correctly in time, then you will get a certificate.
  • Certificate can be downloaded by pressing Download Certificate on the result page.
  • Press the SEE RESULT button after finishing all the questions to see your result.


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1 / 15

If there is no footpath, we should walk on the side of the street facing traffic to see the traffic and be safe.

2 / 15

What should one always do before crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing?

3 / 15

Never cross the road in front of or behind any parked vehicle with the engine running.

4 / 15

It’s not safe to listen to music using earphones or headphones while walking.

5 / 15

Where should a person stand while waiting to cross the road?

6 / 15

Talking with friends while walking can sometimes make it hard to pay attention to traffic.

7 / 15

We should walk on the footpath or sidewalk to be safe.

8 / 15

What should you wear to stay safe and be seen by traffic when you go for a walk during the day?

9 / 15

Is it safe to start walking the minute the traffic signal changes to Green Walking Man?

10 / 15

We shouldn’t push and shove when walking with others.

11 / 15

Why must pedestrians walk facing traffic when there’s no footpath or sidewalk?

12 / 15

Is it safe to walk on the Kerb or edge of the footpath or sidewalk?

13 / 15

What danger signs must you look out for when walking in a car park or near parked vehicles?

14 / 15

Why shouldn’t you cross near large vehicles?

15 / 15

If you are asked by your parents to walk home from school with your younger sister (6 years old), How will you keep her safe while walking?

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