
Road safety quiz for Parents (CHILD SAFETY) – FINAL LEVEL


  • Press the START button below to play the quiz.
  • You will get 5 minutes (300 seconds) to answer all the questions.
  • You must have played all the levels of Child Safety quizzes for parents in order to pass this test.
  • This Final test will have 20 random questions from all the levels of Child Safety quizzes for parents .
  • Questions may be different every time.
  • If you answer all the questions correctly in time, then you will get a certificate.
  • Your score should be 100% to get the certificate.
  • Certificate can be downloaded by pressing Download Certificate on the result page.
  • Press the SEE RESULT button after finishing all the questions to see your result.


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1 / 20

You should always hold your child’s hand when crossing roads together.

2 / 20

The child seat must be according to child’s Size, Age and as required by the local law.

3 / 20

Is it fine to let your child play with your car keys?

4 / 20

To avoid backover incidents, as a parent you must:

5 / 20

Which of the following is a common cause of death related to unintentional trunk entrapment deaths?

6 / 20

Which of the following causes the most deaths among children in and around cars?

7 / 20

Underage kids should be allowed to drive when…

8 / 20

When travelling in hot conditions, you should:

9 / 20

You should always drop off and pick up children on the same side of the road as the school bus.

10 / 20

Heatstroke can happen on cloudy days.

11 / 20

You must keep car keys and remote entry devices out of sight and reach of your kids.

12 / 20

Large cars take more time to heat up as compare to small cars.

13 / 20

Opening windows can prevent heatstroke.

14 / 20

When driving a car with Kids or otherwise, Please make sure:

15 / 20

You must drive very slowly when passing a stationary school bus.

16 / 20

To keep your child safe and to prevent accidents while walking, you should:

17 / 20

To avoid backover incidents, it’s always good to take a quick glance underneath your vehicle before moving it.

18 / 20

To avoid backover incidents, before moving the vehicle you should:

19 / 20

It is never safe to leave a child alone in a car, even for a few minutes.

20 / 20

To avoid backover incidents, you should move back your vehicle very slowly.

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