
Road safety & Traffic rules quiz (SECONDARY LEVEL-1)

Watch the videos given below before starting the quiz: These instructional videos contain essential information and context that will help you successfully complete the quiz.

  • Press the START button below to play the quiz.
  • Press the SEE RESULT button after finishing all the questions to see your result.
  • After successfully finishing this quiz, Press NEXT quiz button to go to the next LEVEL of the quiz.
  • After finishing all the levels, you will be able to participate in the Final quiz and get a CERTIFICATE.

1 / 6

We shouldn’t push and shove when walking with others.

2 / 6

Is it safe to walk on the Kerb or edge of the footpath or sidewalk?

3 / 6

If there is no footpath, we should walk on the side of the street facing traffic to see the traffic and be safe.

4 / 6

Which path out of these is safer for walking?

5 / 6

Why must pedestrians walk facing traffic when there’s no footpath or sidewalk?

6 / 6

We should walk on the footpath or sidewalk to be safe.

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